Best and the Right Hair Care How?

How to do natural hair care?

You can go to the salon for hair care or use quite expensive hair care cosmetics, but it's more enjoyable and more a much more affordable way to watch your diet and create a hair care routine you can do at home with natural products. If you pay attention to these two and make a more hair care outside if you can apply regularly or will not need to buy expensive hair care products. The important point to be persistent.
Natural Hair Care Treatments
The following will give your hair a natural shine, to prevent drying, you can find by doing some simple hair care masks to moisturize the scalp. You can find dozens of different hair care mask recipe home-made natural hair care category is quite easy in our website, in addition to the hair mask.

Eggs Hair Care
eggs are extremely rich in protein, especially dull, paint or takes place in almost all of the recommended mask for dry hair worn from the sun. If you have time only 1 egg (you can use hair long 2 eggs), beat until fully foamed and massaging your scalp after driving 20-25 minutes to take leave until the end of the radical left. Remember the egg wet hair (taken with a towel over water) will take. cold water to remove the mask (lukewarm water will be closer to the cold) and use a mild shampoo. Once a week made egg hair mask moisturizes, softens the scalp, gives hair shine and reduces fractures.
That the Clean Hair and Scalp Important
The main reason for breaking with loss and dandruff on the scalp remaining jelly, remaining residues of hair care products such as foam, hair follicles are clogged with dust and oil. Make sure to always clean Therefore scalp. If the hair roots weaken hair if clogged by dirt, spills increases, and break off your hair looks dull.
natural hair care to clean the hair and scalp are 2 simple application that you can add to the routine. Rinse 1-2 times per week to the first plate vinegar with water. Add 2-3 liters of water to 1 cup of vinegar to it and rinse your hair with this water after shampooing. Vinegar can make hair wet hair dries odor but this odor subsides. If you are not satisfied you can reverse the order of the smell. So before you can wet your hair with water and vinegar and then shampoo. Vinegar to the hair in addition to cleaning the water volume and gives hair a natural shine.
The second application carbonates made hair therapy. Mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda in 2 liters of water and rinse your hair with vinegar as it was in the water. Carbonate, and the remaining hair on the scalp is no longer protects against cleaning the scalp pH balance of the skin disease weakened by the hair.

Washing with water is very hot
Much of the oil produced in the scalp but may badly need the oil of our scalp and hair. If you remove this oil very quickly broken completely, you have the dry and dull looking hair. This oil is completely removed in the scalp if you washed with very hot water. Maybe 15 days, it would not hurt to wash your hair with a lot of hot water, but after a while you are shampooing your hair 2-3 times a week with hot water will dry. Another advantage is that in cold water than in warm water, increasing blood circulation in the scalp vitality. The amount of oxygen to the cells in the blood increases, the hair follicles on the scalp is enhanced. The more oxygen the better.
Honey to soften hair
If you complain about being too tough and dry your hair at home can apply honey mask is for you. 1 tablespoon honey 2 tablespoons to give some texture to your hair and scalp crawl after mixing with oil. A mild shampoo to wash your hair after waiting about 30 minutes. Your hair is very dry or 2 times a week if you can make this application very broken. Another hair mask Ball you can also milk, honey mask. Add 1 tablespoon of honey with half a cup of milk and mix well. After introducing the mixture to massage your scalp and your hair and leave for 15 minutes to clear shampoos.

Washing your hair too frequently
Too frequent washing dries the hair and scalp and hair appear lifeless and consequently fractures increases. Simply wash your hair 1-2 times a week. If you use a dry shampoo very lubricated between each wash.
Moisturise your hair with Almond Oil
Bits of these fractures often break and take heed of the desired time in one of the biggest obstacles in front of the hair extension. You can care with almond oil or olive oil to prevent this. Heat the stove ılıyınca the amount of almond oil will determined by the length of your hair (up to 40 seconds will suffice). Use of very low fire and you burn fat and also you're so warm. Then eat until the warm oil to massage the scalp and rub the remaining root tip. Oil can shampoo After waiting 30 minutes. You have enough time to do a hot oil treatment or when you come home, you can take just a little almond oil or olive oil to the hair ends.
Protect your hair from the sun
The sun like our hair, our skin is vulnerable to the harmful UV rays. Sun drying the hair and scalp and dry hair dilute to cause it to lose its color. Use high sun protection factor conditioner to prevent these adverse effects or plug hat.
If your hair from the sun wear a mask you can apply the following maintenance. 2 tablespoons honey 1-2 tablespoons olive oil and rub your hair thoroughly mix with 1 egg white. 20 minutes then wash off a mild shampoo and rinse thoroughly.
Dry your hair's natural
Hair dryer, tools such as curling irons dry hair when used frequently break off loss increases, causing the ends of the more frequent breakage. After washing, dry your hair with a towel as possible without too much bashing going to sit at home and let it dry naturally. Never brush your hair when wet. Try to use at least the coldest settings if you use a hair dryer. In addition, a definitive fracture 5-6 weeks.
Hair Care and Nutrition
Hair care as well as skin care are the basic rules inside out healthy hair. So much care what you do outside of the building, do not feed properly show how much you care for your hair your hair in old age will look absolutely unhealthy. Taking vitamins and minerals needed by the body fully, consuming less fast food and canned foods, drinking enough water can make your hair biggest favor. Vitamins for Hair, food and nutrition articles for prolonging hair and the hair You can find more information on this topic.

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