Natural Mask Recipes for a stunning and Smooth Skin

For a smooth skin face masks  

   Natural Masks
If you want Whether men and women, nobody rough, tired and does not want to appear non-aesthetic skin. Acne, enlarged and filled within pores, wrinkles and ridges disrupt the structure of your skin smooth. Stress, insomnia, play with your acne / tightening such factors can also give your skin a rough structure. Many cosmetic skin care products in the market claims that smoothes your skin. So instead try natural treatments who wants to put serious amounts of money on these products? If you can apply mask recipes for smooth skin you are one of those you do not want to work;
1.lemon, olive oil and honey mask
 fighting the damage to the skin and honey is a natural anti-aging skin cleanser. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, so that gives a natural glow to the skin while improving skin blemishes by opening the color of your skin. Olive oil is a natural skin-friendly and helps to gain elasticity of the skin. Ingredients     1 tablespoon lemon juice     1 tablespoon honey     1 tablespoon olive oil Preparation and application of materials and mix thoroughly with each other. The mixture to obtain a piece of cotton with the help of crawling on your face. After waiting 20 minutes, you can wash your face mask with warm water. If you want to increase the effect of the mask apply the mask before going to bed at night that way you can rinse process of developing the morning after sleep. Your skin will allow restoring the smooth appearance You can apply this mask two or three times a week. To which lemon juice in the mask after you apply the mask and thoroughly rinse do not recommend you go into the sun. With
2.Tomato Miracle smooth skin

of tomatoes is a natural tonic and also is extremely effective to whiten the skin color. It also provides very useful to treat skin blemishes and rough structures.     In order to have a soft and smooth skin, making Finely grind and a few pieces of tomato puree robot. Apply tomato puree that you obtained your face and wait 10 minutes. After 10 minutes to rinse it with water. On a daily basis tightens pores by applying this recipe, and you smooth out your skin.     Also in the tomato puree can also use to treat acne. You can help the area with persistent acne treatment of acne by washing after about 1 hour.
3.Do not throw away the coffee grounds

Coffee natural addition to the amazing flavors and you know that it is a very strong source of peeling? After drinking your coffee grounds and throw out your hand, taking a handful of dry rub your face with it. In this way, clogging the pores of your skin will facilitate the removal of dead skin cells and opening pores in your skin will Tight becoming more smooth. You can apply any coffee after drinking habits by making this recipe. Skin Do not forget to water Smooth and drink plenty of water is the simplest thing you need to do to have a glowing skin. Each part of the body such as the skin also needs to water and moisture. Try not to drink water from the least 8-10 glasses per day. Drinking water is one of the conditions of the toxins that most help to rid the body. To increase the impact of the elimination of toxins in the water, sugar, stay away from carbonated and alcoholic beverages. In addition to consume fruits and vegetables rich in terms of water will also be beneficial to your skin. Without excessive irritation, wash your face twice a day with absolutely plenty of water. Your skin health and elasticity in terms of the importance of water to be applied outside the lot. Shower stay while away from excessive hot water and try to take a shower with the water cooler as you can stand. With
4.Smooth skin with lemon juice

Lemon may cause your skin color with water, skin spots, may allow the removal of acne scars and scars, and smoothes your skin and soften. Lemon dead cells thanks to their cleaning ability becomes possible. Be careful not to go alone to the sun while using lemon juice, lemon juice, because it makes it more vulnerable to the harmful rays of the sun on your skin.     The fresh squeezed lemon juice and apply on your face and your neck. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. You can repeat this application to treat skin blemishes and scars as a few times a week or daily.     Add more soft and the juice of half a lemon 1 egg white and mix to a smooth skin. Apply the mixture to obtain your face and wait 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. You can repeat this practice once or twice a week.
5. Honey masks will soften your skin

a more natural solution that allows you to have a smooth skin is through the honey.     You can use honey simply by driving around your neck and face. After about 10 minutes, rinse with cold water. You can soften your skin by applying this process on a daily basis.     Another way that makes the skin smooth, mix the egg white with honey to take this mixture to your face. After 20 minutes, you can rinse with cold water. You can use soap to get rid of the smell of egg white. You can also make one or two times a week this application.     Mix with 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 4 teaspoons honey. You need to get a thick consistency. Apply this mixture on your face before going to bed at night and sleep. Rinse with warm water in the morning. You can have a more balanced and smooth the skin by applying a recipe this week.
6. interior gives a healthy look to your skin watery cucumber

 Against your skin due to have the same pH regulates the acidity of your skin very well, which provides protection from bacteria.     Cucumber mask If you use on a regular basis, rashes, acne and will also get rid of blackheads.

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