Lemon, honey and olive oil Mask

Lemon, Honey and Olive

Honey combats damage to the skin and is a natural anti- aging skin cleanser . Lemon is rich in vitamin C , so that gives a natural glow to the skin while improving skin blemishes by opening the color of your skin.

 Olive oil is a natural skin-friendly and helps to gain elasticity of the skin .


  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

Preparation and implementation of

Material mix with each other . The mixture to obtain a piece of cotton with the help of crawling on your face. After waiting 20 minutes , you can wash your face mask with warm water. If you want to increase the effect of the mask apply the mask before going to bed at night that way you can rinse process of developing the morning after sleep.
Your skin will allow restoring the smooth appearance You can apply this mask two or three times a week. for which the mask of lemon juice after you apply the mask and rinse thoroughly so you do not recommend sun exposure .

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