Easy Hair Care Masks At Home , Egg Mask

All natural and organic , homemade hair mask is very nourishing for your scalp and hair roots . To make homemade hair mask, only very cheap and also very simple , you need to kitchen utensils. Also effortless , with easy operation. My grandmother was always likened it to a sapling hair . If you give enough water and if I nurture healthy, he said it would be a strong tree. He refers literally to win its vitality. Homemade hair mask nutrition with powerful nutrients supplied by nature and able to get shiny hair full of life. In this article, we will explore the most powerful ingredients that you can use to create homemade hair mask.

What are the duties of the key ingredients in the recipe will take place ?

 Extra virgin olive oil : acts as a natural hair conditioner as well as dampening the hair . Used in hair care for a long time to be implemented . Brittle and dry, ideal for damaged hair , giving a healthy glow and rejuvenating , nourishing solution.

Milk : It gives a soft feeling to the hair.
Lemon: A natural astringent lemon, to get rid of excess hair lubricated , closes open pores in the skin. You can turn your limo with hair color. What you use for it, half a lemon and enough water to be diluted .
 Coconut oil: the perfect product for soft and shiny hair .
Honey: has moisturizing properties . Honey is a very important material for homemade masks , especially for dry and dull hair . It adds moisture to lackluster hair , enables the strengthening glow .
Apple cider vinegar : itching , dandruff , eliminate excessive lubrication . It helps hair growth .

1. Feeder , Egg Mask: Eggs are the perfect food. Health is already packed full of all the nutrients . It is known as a rich source of protein eggs . In fact, the protein found in eggs is the highest quality protein you can not ever find any food in . A brief summary of the nutrients contained in the egg for healthy hair are as follows:

 Protein: nourish hair roots and makes the hair growth.
Fatty acids : it gives a natural shine to the hair.
Potassium is a healing for dry and damaged hair has seen .
Vitamin A: prevents hair breakage.
Vitamin D: It prevents hair loss and baldness.
Vitamin B12 : helps to increase the hair.
Calcium: Calcium long supports for healthy hair and hair growth is essential for the proper absorption of vitamin d .
 You face ekşitip " Ew ! Disgusting " I have to say before you say that egg mask an incredibly supportive in terms of calcium and protein, takviyec . Gives hair a soft texture and shine.
How to mask the egg ?
    1 egg
    1 glass of water Milk
    1 lemon
    2 tablespoons olive oil
 Preparation and implementation of

1. Use one or two eggs , depending on hair length. Separate the egg yolks and raids. Yellow clean , take a separate bowl .
2. Mix 1 cup milk and 2 tablespoons olive oil , add the eggs and beat well again .

3. Squeeze the lemon and add to the mixture . Lemon will evoke a refreshing feeling on your scalp. Tip: You can clap easier with egg beater .
4. massage it well on your hair follicles and your hair ends. The mask does not reach , you stay where to contact . Wait at least 5 minutes. Each egg can remain in place . If you do not like it , use disposable plastic shower cap.
5. Rinse with warm or cold water. easier to get rid of the egg pieces, you can cleanse your hair easier . Be sure to rinse your hair thoroughly .
6. Make one last cleaning using organic fruit shampoo.

Quick Tips
● Especially if your long hair , make sure you wash your hair very well . Do not use hot water to wash your hair . Cook eggs on the inside of the mask and boiled egg sticking with your hair. Use cold water to rinse your hair as needed.
 ● it can create a burning sensation on the skin much lemon juice hair . It is useful to use proportional . 2 eggs , use the juice of a lemon to yellow .
● Install the egg white and egg yellow oily hair , use for brittle hair . The whole eggs can use for normal hair .

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