Easy Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite and 25 Recommendations Always Apply for Final Solution

                             GET RID OF CELLULITE of

Women especially in the summer to get rid of cellulite is a nightmare, summer will be able to enter the month with little action. The way to get rid of cellulite describing the 25 Aesthetic Specialist Dr. Nihat other cellulite, the skin is fat accumulated in subcutaneous tissue, this is adipose tissue depending on the accumulation of fluid in the area, the accumulated liquid is caused to accumulate more oil to the slow movement in that area and that enters a vicious circle. Others, cellulite, "hydro" (water), "lipo" (oil), "dystrophy" (Image disorder) the name of the medicine is a combination of the words "the hidrolipodistrof" he said. Visible texture of cellulite, just telling Others reveal a jagged appearance because of oil, he said the fat cells in tissue water is pulled completely swollen with water circulation deterioration due to the formation of cellulite.
1. Morning does not get up and squeeze lemon into warm water before going to bed for the evening.
2. The front of the TV or reading books snack.
3. Prefer to eat little by little and often, you'll never go hungry. Balanced and regular diet, to give up one type of food consumption.
4. Never very low calorie diet and shock applications. Women are sometimes shocked to complain of weight loss diets can be applied. Here, ladies! If you want a recipe for cellulite, you do get a shock first thing in the diet. But if you do not love him forever and wants to get rid of cellulite, you must give up this diet. Giving and receiving constant weight, causes of cellulite by disrupting the balance of the body.
5. Breakfast you prefer to eat your evening meal very strong light.
6. Soy lecithin (PPC) which use creams. Another way to prevent the formation of cellulite and you can follow if you want to deal with them, keep your body constantly moist. You can use your cellulite creams that contain soy in particular lester.
7. Drink plenty of water. 30 minutes before meals for 1-2 cups of water. Food during the drinking water.
8. Reduce salt consumption.
9. Bladder structure, take hot and cold shower.
10. Tea, coffee, cola, mineral water, soft drinks and reduce alcohol consumption.
11. Choose fresh fruit juices and herbal teas.
12. 4 to 5 days per week for 30-45 minutes of brisk walk.
13. Do not opt for high heels and tight clothes.
14. Prefer to eat your fruit between meals.
15. Reduce your portions.
16. Apples, pears and eat the crust because they are fibrous fruits like it.
17. Instead of white bread, opt for wholemeal bread.
18. Instead of natural sugar, use sweeteners.
19. Do not skimp on your table green vegetables and fruits.
20. Choose white meat instead of red meat.
21. Instead of solid fats, use olive oil.
22. Roast steamed instead of grilled, boiled or apply methods such as baking.
23. Take care to exercise regularly.
24. Make sure to massage cellulite region.
25. Do not eat dinner too late.

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