For natural home facial spots mask and toner

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Their acne facial blemish and blackheads from natural ingredients at home will destroy any chemical that you yapaileceği if the content is not a cleansing tonic and mask ready to describe?

First of all we need is Apple Cider vinegar. Absolutely do not use any other vinegar (vinegar, for example). Other vinegar are both too strong for your skin will escape; We want to both distilled in compounds. Apple Cider vinegar in the alpha acids and amino acids. These compounds, in your skin oil residue and dead skin gently without damaging the skin. Apple Cider vinegar, the oil on your skin and your skin's pH balance controls and influences to the peeling on. A, E, C, B2, B6 and P vitamins, repairs cells and allows restoring a smoother skin

 Another material is granulated sugar. Granulated sugar, the main natural peeling material made at home. Powdered sugar, to open the clogged pores and shrink large pores has such effects. Powder sugar softens the natural Glycerin, nemlendirip skin, inside. In other material honey honey is a natural treatment against acne. Moisturizes the skin. Ciltteki kızarıklıkları alır ve hücrelerin yenilenmesine yardımcı olur.  It also has the effect of retarding the aging process and is a natural astringent.
 Lastly, we're going to need a cold green tea. The antioxidants in green tea are now we all know. Thanks to green tea, have been passing back of free radicals in our skin. Still, like honey, retarding aging content is also available in green tea.
 Construction of the mask:
 Put a tablespoon of Apple Cider vinegar in a bowl. Add two tablespoons of green tea into.
If it's too if you have sensitive skin, green tea 3 teaspoons to tablespoons. Dark mask in order to provide consistency, add 5 tablespoons granulated sugar, mix. Add a tablespoon of honey into. After mixing thoroughly, last into 2 tablespoons, add more powdered sugar. Now become quite viscous mask.  Put the mixture in a glass jar. That you have built the mask 3-4 times, so you can use it for 2 weeks. Keep the jar in the refrigerator.  To apply the mask, your skin should be clean. First, gather your hair tightly, don't want your mask. With a cotton mask get a quantity.  Rub all over your face. With your fingers, start your face massage with circular motion.  This is actually peeling. To rob the dead cell layer in your binder. Cidinizin according to the sensitivity of 2-5 minutes, then continue the massage. make no more than five minutes, not irritate your face. Leave the mask on your face for 10 minutes.
 Why would he do construction:
 Again, we're going to need a glass jar. The jar 1/3 ' reputation in Apple Cider vinegar, add green tea to the rest. If you have sensitive skin, you can further reduce the ratio of vinegar. If you want to moisturize a little bit if toner, you can also add a spoonful of olive oil into it. In fact, if you want your pimples even more powerful effect, a spoon, a spoon of lemon juice or tonic tea tree (tea tree) oil, you can add. Close the lid of the jar, stir. Toniğiniz is now ready for use. You can store in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.
 After 10 minutes on your face mask, rinse with water. You should be feeling the difference on your face. You can apply on your face you're dry, tonic. This application, choose the night, because it doesn't smell very nice.  Wipe your face with tonic, you receive a Christian. Then you can drive your own moisturizer. This mask you can use 1-2 times a week and tonic; you will see the difference in the face in 2 weeks.

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