The Easy Way To Appear More Attractive Wedge-heeled Shoes

 It makes it more attractive the women high heels

Heel difference!

Wearing high heels women flat shoes according to shorter, faster and often step; This also makes them more attractive ...

 Heeled shoes showed themselves what women sexy was right! Scientists at the University of Portsmoutn, located in the uk, wedge-heeled shoes made a study to solve the secret of.

Comparing flat shoes with high heels scientists gained data statistically. It evaluates these data visually more attractive and sexy high-heeled shoes cause scientists also revealed that scientifically


According to the survey; a woman wearing high heels every step of 1 meter 20 inches away from wearing flat shoes blaze across 1 metre is 24 inches. The duration of each step in wearing high heels is 1.09 seconds. In each step of the flat wearing 1.13 seconds. And the number of steps per minute of wearing high-heeled shoes 110. This is according to flat shoes stepped 106 per minute more. The figures show that; the woman who wears high heels, flat shoes the wearer with shorter, fast and frequent. 
 Visually evaluating the data scientists, short and often more attractive to women who explained that.
 Walking through the buttocks of women wearing high-heeled shoes according to folds 4.16-degree angle while moving, staying in this flat-shod women Figure 3.06.

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