Lemon Amazing Benefits

Lemon Benefits
İmmune system of vitamin C, how to get rid faster than cardiovascular health and disease as we know it is an important vitamin. Even leaving aside the other benefits of lemon, a lemon peeled eat, meet half of your daily vitamin C needs. Of course meal as a whole may be impossible because of the sour taste of lemons for some of us; but mix it with lemon juice, add it to your tea, you can consume using your salad. Lemon is not only consumed as food, when used in the recommended range of herbal prescriptions to protect the hair and skin care or oral health is also very beneficial. Lemon is another important feature of the intestines, kidneys and liver cleans the body of free radicals to protect the effect and the lower the risk of many diseases accordingly.
Lemon Benefits at a Glance     balance the pH of body fluids.     It is rich in vitamin C.     It cleans the liver.     It cleans the intestines .     it helps to dissolve kidney and gallstones.     provides protection against free radicals.     protects the brain health.     it is anti-bacterial.     antioxidant.     it is good for high blood pressure.     contains ingredients that protect against cancer.     protects eye health.     Calcium, iron, are rich in phosphorus and other minerals.     by preventing the bacteria buildup protects oral health.     strengthens the body against flu.     it prevents infection when used on the skin.     it gives brightness to the skin.     Itching is good.     used to reduce dandruff.     helps digestion.
 Lemon Health Benefits Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: effects of lemon antioxidant in many other diseases as, inflamed and painful disease and osteoarthritis which can be used to alleviate the discomfort caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Natural remedies and traditional alternative medicine practices, the world's largest database on "Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database" joint inflammation caused by antioxidants arthritis in lemon according to, and used to reduce the swelling in the joint region.
Scurvy disease: Nowadays more and more common in the elderly scurvy vitamin C Due to the lack fatigue, general weakness is a disease with symptoms such as anemia, bleeding gums. Vitamin C of lemon, along with fruits and vegetables contain more vitamin C can be used as an effective solution to treat the disease.
Cardiovascular Health: Vitamin C increases the production of collagen that gives flexibility to the tissues can prevent atherosclerosis. Antioxidant effect of the accumulation in the vessels, by neutralizing free radicals that lead to congestion and weakness reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. Lemon added to a healthy diet, along with regular exercise protects against cardiovascular disease.
Healing wounds : healing of wounds in the skin are among the characteristic symptoms of vitamin C deficiency. Lemon; burns, cuts and are recommended by many experts to shorten the healing time of skin wounds due to various skin conditions.
Skin Care: Home-made natural skin care skin frequently lemon used in mask benefits in alleviating the appearance of skin blemishes caused by the sun and acne, excess oil to take the dead acidic by nature cleaning the skin cells and give a natural glow to the skin can be considered in the first place. Also regularly drinking lemon water provides the protection the elasticity of the skin and delay the signs of aging such as wrinkles on the skin seen. If you use lemon externally on the skin, do not forget that increase the susceptibility to sunlight the skin of the lemon and the sun exposure after applying lemon juice.
Ingestion: Lemon, stomach acid by increasing difficult to digest food production (fatty foods, red meat, etc.) Helps digestion. Lemon juice also facilitates the digestion of fat by increasing the production of bile in the liver. With this feature, often through diet name in the list. Even the "lemon diet" as there are also special diet program is at the forefront of lemon juice.
Kidney Stone: "Journal of Urology - Urology Journal" according to a study published in the regularly drinking lemon juice or lemon meal of kidney stones can prevent the formation. In a study conducted by the University of California "citrate" containing suppress calcium accumulation in lemon kidney and obtained the result that inhibits the growth of existing knowledge.
Oral and Dental Health: The acid in lemon which accumulates on teeth to change tooth color and removes the bacteria that cause tooth decay. Teeth whitening helps to provide protection against infection of the gums and tongue injuries. However, when used for more on acid teeth in the lemon should be used with caution could damage the tooth enamel and should be in moderation.
Bone Health: Lemon, at least calcium to protect bone health and strong bones also contains phosphorus mineral that is needed. Phosphorus also contributes in kidney function and helps to relieve muscle pain experienced after exercise.
Hair Care: Lemon juice is used to open the hair color of the traditional summer but the hair and scalp, there are other benefits. When used on the scalp to be good for various skin diseases that negatively affect the hair follicles with anti-bacterial effects and is known to reduce the formation of dandruff. After shampoo mix with water 1/3 deposited on the hair if used as a rinse conditioner, shampoo, gel, foam, clearing the remnants of hair products like hair spray gives shine. Lemon juice are two points to be considered when using the hair should not be used frequently because of the effect of drying the first hair and scalp, and secondly, if after you rinse your hair if you do not want to open your hair color lemon water, you must avoid the sun.
Lemon Nutrition Facts 1 peeled lemon:     contains 17 calories .     Daily vitamin C, 51% of the needs (30.7 mg),     vitamin B6, 2% of its needs,     1% of folate requirements,     2% of the calcium requirement (15.1 mg),     2% of the iron needs (0.3 mg) ,     1% of the Magnesium needs (4.6 mg),     1% of the phosphorus requirement (9.3 mg),     2% of the potassium needs (80 mg) meet.
lemon Side Effects
Heartburn: lemon juice to increase the production of liquid used for digestion, It can cause heartburn. Reflux and lemon for people with stomach ulcers, which included citrus fruits and vegetables are not recommended.
Teeth: Other acidic foods and beverages such as excess drinking lemon meal or lemon juice can damage tooth enamel. You drink through a straw to protect your teeth from food acids and acidic after you eat fruit or vegetables you may need to brush your teeth. Lemon and lime juice may increase the existing tooth sensitivity.
Urine: Diuretic effect of the ascorbic acid and lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, it can increase urination. Excreted in the urine does not put in place a body of water can be dehydrated and loss of energy.
Lemon Tea Lemon with food, if you enjoy dinner with salad, you can drink lemon tea can sweeten with honey. Lemon tea also cleanses the digestive system, such as lemon juice and vitamin C supplementation with particular increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases increased during the winter months. Lemon tea can be prepared by adding the juice of half a lemon in hot water or take advantage of your favorite plants benefit lemon squeeze of lemon to your tea.
Lemon Some Uses     can gargle with lemon juice to pass the bad breath and a sore throat.     You can clean with a cloth that is soaked of kitchenware lemon with water.     Mix a small amount of salt with lemon juice you can clean porcelain items.     around the outside of the windows in the cottages miss put lemon flies.     it helps to clean stains on lemon and salt mixture marble countertops.     lemon peel metal bath to clean the taps and shower heads can be used to polish.     Food or when pervasive fish to eat the best, onion, garlic You can remove the smell of lemon water.     Bread board in wooden utensils like the smell, you can use lemon juice to develop over time.     Hair gives shine to rinse the lemon juice. (If you leave the sun, lemon lightens hair.)     You can clean your copper utensils with lemon salt.

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