Must Do These 5 Ways To Protect Against Cold And Flu

 To protected from diseases

1-Rest colds to rest most important step in treatment is to increase the resistance of the body. Both colds, the flu home to relax in as well as accelerate the healing process 

2-Eat well to maintain a high body resistance should be fed well. In this way, disposal of the infection from the body more easily provided. To increase the resistance of the body during the winter months, a sufficient amount of vitamins in the body and should benefit from vegetables and fruits to ensure that the mineral be taken. Defense system booster feature that, and rich in antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin C, carrots, broccoli, squash, cabbage, cauliflower, side vegetables like parsley as winter Abundant oranges, tangerines, apples, consumption of fruits such as grapefruit also important. Eating habits corrupt constantly eating fast foods, consume less fruit and vegetables, dirty and extremely excessive body to support those working in strenuous jobs, especially with vitamin C and other vitamins are recommended. Well fed a person does not need to take vitamins.

 3-consuming plenty of fluids the body heat of the need to take plenty of fluids to keep it in balance. Adequate fluid intake, toxins formed in the body (of the harmful items) in regular work and disposal of the body functions, ensuring the realization of balance and metabolism plays an extremely important role in many biochemical reactions. Therefore, every day at least 2 - 2,5 liters (12-14 cups) of water should be drunk, to meet the hydration of lime, sage, rosehip tea, drinks should be preferred as loose tea. Especially water, fruit juice or broth and chicken should be consumed. Alcohol, coffee and other acidic drinks should be avoided. 

4-Wash your hands close contact with sick people, you need to avoid using common items. The possibility of contact with hands should be washed with soap and water. Must wash hands before touching the mouth and nose. Attention to hand hygiene and should wash hands frequently. Children should also be vaccinated from an early age this awareness is of great importance in terms of public health. The patient must take precautions to avoid spreading the virus to the environment. To wear a mask, a handshake to a kiss not to the same fork with others, spoons, located between the glass like things to be taken to use the measures. 

5-Vaccinate's important in terms of protecting the flu vaccine, those in the risk groups. Vaccines, those over age 65, those with chronic heart and liver disease, those with chronic systemic diseases such as diabetes, the immune system to inadequate patient, gregarious and physicians are recommended for people at risk groups such as nurses. The success of the winter flu vaccine in preventing disease by

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